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I'm Not That Smart (Reprise) Lyrics > 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

I'm Not That Smart (Reprise) Lyrics

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I hear the bell
That to me is not an inviting sound
That little ding
To me it brings
A plaint of air
(spoken) I always thought
(sing) That life was fair
I mean I never felt
A smidgen of despair
They say the bell
Can break your heart
But just not mine
Since I opine
I think
I know
I’m smart
(spoken) Apple juice please!

Last Update: January, 20th 2014

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Lyrics

  1. 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
  2. Spelling Rules/My Favorite Moment of the Bee 1
  3. My Friend, The Dictionary
  4. First Goodbye
  5. Pandemonium
  6. I'm Not That Smart
  7. THe Second Goodbye
  8. Magic Foot
  9. Pandemonium (Reprise)/My Favorite Moment of the Bee 2
  10. Why We Like Spelling
  11. Prayer of the Comfort Counselor
  12. My Unfortunate Erection
  13. Woe Is Me
  14. I'm Not That Smart (Reprise)
  15. I Speak Six Languages
  16. I Love You Song
  17. Woe Is Me (Reprise)
  18. My Favorite Moment of the Bee 3/Second
  19. Finale
  20. Last Goodbye

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