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Torn Apart Lyrics > Notre Dame de Paris

Torn Apart Lyrics

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Torn apart, I am a man divided.
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love; I don't know how to cut my heart in two.

Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love, I'm just glad I have love enough for two.

One for the day, the other for the night.
One just for now, the other all my life.
One for always, until the end of time.
The other soon will find, my love won't stay.

Torn apart, I am a man in divided
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love, and they'll just have to love the man I am.

Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love, is it my fault that I'm a normal man.

One's honey sweet, the other has a bite.
One's heaven sent, the other rules the night.
And to the one I swear my love is true.
And to the other one I break the rules.

Torn apart, I am a man divided.
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love; I don't know how to cut my heart in two.

Torn apart, I am a man divided.
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love; I don't know how to cut my heart in two.

Torn apart.
Torn apart.

Torn apart, I am a man in pieces.
Torn apart, I want two women's love.
Two women want my love, I'm just glad I have love enough for two.

Torn apart.
Torn apart.
Torn apart.

Last Update: January, 13th 2015

Notre Dame de Paris Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Ouverture
  3. Age of the Cathedrals
  4. Refugees
  5. Frollo's Intervention
  6. Bohemienne Song
  7. Esmeralda You See
  8. So Look No More For Love
  9. The Feast Of Fools
  10. The King Of Fools
  11. The Sorceress
  12. The Foundling
  13. The Doors Of Paris
  14. Kidnap Attempt
  15. The Court of the Miracles
  16. The Word Phoebus
  17. Shining Like The Sun
  18. Torn Apart
  19. Anarchy
  20. Water please
  21. Belle (Is the Only Word)
  22. Home In The Sky
  23. Pagan Ave Maria
  24. If You Can See Inside Of Me
  25. Your Love Will Kill Me
  26. The Shadow
  27. At Val d'Amour
  28. The Voluptuary / Destiny
  29. Act 2
  30. Talk To Me Of Florence
  31. The Bells (opening part)
  32. The Bells
  33. Where Is She?
  34. The Birds They Put in Cages
  35. Cast Away
  36. The Trial
  37. The Torture
  38. I'm a Priest
  39. Phoebus If You Can Hear Me
  40. To Get Back To You
  41. My Heart If You Will Swear
  42. Frollo's Visit To Esmeralda
  43. On Bright Morning You Danced
  44. Free Today
  45. Moon
  46. This Small Whistle I Leave You
  47. God You Made the World All Wrong
  48. Live for the One I Love
  49. Attack of Notre-Dame
  50. By Royal Law
  51. Master And Saviour
  52. Give Her To Me
  53. Dance My Esmeralda

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