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Hoods Turned Heroes Lyrics > Outsiders

Hoods Turned Heroes Lyrics

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Well, I woke up this morning
Hungover from the night before
I picked up the paper
And my jaw done hit the floor
There were kids trapped in a fire
And a couple of heroes came to their aid
I had to look twice at the picture when I saw that
It was Ponyboy and Johnny Cade
I thought them boys were as good as dead
But as it turns out the headline read
Hoods turned heroes
These Greasers are the talk of the town
They ran straight into the fire
While that old church was burning down
Just some low-down dirty Greasers
Accused of murder in the first degree
Imagine this: they save some kids
That's how they got to be
Yeah, that’s how they got to be the front page story
Hoods turned heroes

When a Greaser's in the paper
You can bet a dollar that it ain't no good

Someone got robbed
Someone got mugged
Someone had a run-in with a Greaser hood
But now the tide is changing
I can see you people turning one by one
Are we headed for the age of the Greasers?
The reconciliation's already begun
Hoods turned heroes

They caught us all by surprise
When they rose to the occasion, put it on the line
And saved all of them children's lives

Hoods turned heroes

Is Tulsa gonna finally see?
Got some heroes in the makin'

And the Greaser reputation

Ain't the burden that it used to be
Look at us now
We're getting our due
It's feeling even sweeter after what we've been through
Hoods turned heroes
This town will never be the same
It's time to celebrate the Greasers
Take pride in the Greaser name
Owe it all to Pony & Johnny
They've still got a ways to go
But y’all stay tuned
They’ll get well soon
There's gonna be more to this Greaser story
Hoods turned heroes
Last Update: June, 27th 2024

Outsiders Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Tulsa '67
  3. Grease Got a Hold
  4. Runs in the Family
  5. Great Expectations
  6. Friday at the Drive-In
  7. I Could Talk to You All Night
  8. Runs in the Family (Reprise)
  9. Far Away from Tulsa
  10. Run Run Brother
  11. Act II
  12. Justice for Tulsa
  13. Death's at My Door
  14. Throwing in the Towel
  15. Soda's Letter
  16. Hoods Turned Heroes
  17. Hopeless War
  18. Trouble
  19. Little Brother
  20. Stay Gold
  21. Tulsa '67 (Reprise)

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