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Find A Way Lyrics > Suffs

Find A Way Lyrics

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Thank God.
I got your telegram and came as soon as I could.
What's the emergency?

The first protest march ever held in our nation's capital today.

Two months from today, so there's no time to waste.
Welcome to our new office. You remember the suffrage march planning committee?

Holy cow, how many in it?
Counting you?
Don't say two.
But Alice, we're not in college anymore.
We've never planned a national action before.

How will we do it when it's never been done?
How will we find the way where there isn't one?
How will we find a way?
Find a way.
We've got to find a way.
Find a way.

First pursuit is to recruit Inez Millholland.
The Inez Millholland?
The papers call her glamorous, dazzling, all the things I'm not.
We need a public face. It's gotta be Inez Millholland.

I'm Alice Paul, and this is my best friend Lucy Burns.
We were field hockey teammates at Swarthmore.
Office defense?
Wow, okay. Sporty.
Why don't we have a smoke?
Oh yes, we adore cigarettes.

It's really nice.
We want you to be the grand marshal of our suffrage march.
Miss Paul, I'm far too busy with the bar.
She'd rather get licked than fight for our liberty.
I'm studying for the bar exam.
Oh, that's marvelous.
We could use your legal skills to procure our permit.

This march is unprecedented.
How so?
It's on Pennsylvania Avenue, a day before the inauguration.
We'll make every front page with a picture of you leading the pack on horseback.
I should be riding.
My steed should be white, a feminine reclaiming of the armored knight.

Of course.
Where the hell are we getting a horse?
How will we do it when it's never been done?
How will we find a way where there isn't one?
How will we find a way?
Find a way.
We've got to find a way.
Find a way.

I want you to meet someone.
A socialite, a socialist.
Bruja Vin Slavska.
Bruja Vin Slavska?

My fellow workers, we must strike.
Came from Poland when she was seven.
We must strike for safe conditions.
In a mill since she was eleven.
This is her fight too. Not just us fortunate few.

They'll listen to her.
Not to you.
Strike! Strike! Strike!

That was a great speech.
Bruja, this is Alice Paul from the suffrage movement.
Suffrage is votes for women.
I'm Polish, not stupid.
Look, I've won no part of your polite little suffragette parlor games.
Well, that's perfect because when we take on a tyrant, we burn him down.
Or they march.

How will we do it when it's never been done?
How will we find a way where there isn't one?
How will we find a way?
Find a way.
We've got to find a way.
Find a way.

Get up on the soapbox.
Stand there.
Last Update: June, 10th 2024

Suffs Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Let Mother Vote
  3. Finish the Fight
  4. Find A Way
  5. Wait My Turn
  6. Terrell’s Theme
  7. The March (We Demand Equality)
  8. Great American Bitch
  9. Ladies
  10. A Meeting with President Wilson
  11. Worth It
  12. If We Were Married
  13. The Convention Part 1
  14. This Girl
  15. The Convention Part 2
  16. Alva Belmont
  17. Show Them Who You Are
  18. The Campaign
  19. How Long?
  20. Act II
  21. The Young Are At The Gates
  22. Respectfully Yours, Dudley Malone
  23. Hold It Together
  24. Wait My Turn (reprise)
  25. The Report
  26. Show Them Who You Are (reprise)
  27. Insane
  28. Fire & Tea
  29. Let Mother Vote (reprise)
  30. She and I
  31. Down at the State House
  32. A Letter From Harry’s Mother
  33. I Was Here
  34. If We Were Married (reprise)
  35. August 26th, 1920
  36. Lucy’s Song
  37. Finish the Fight (reprise)
  38. Keep Marching

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