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If We Were Married Lyrics > Suffs

If We Were Married Lyrics

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If we were married, I promised to cherish you just as a gentleman should.
If we were married, I promised to forfeit my legal autonomy for good.
If we were married, we'd buy our own acre of land for our own little house.
If we were married, our possessions and property would solely belong to the masculine spouse.
If we were married, if we were married.

If we were married, we'd fill out our family and life would be simply sublime.
If we were married, I'd churn out your children 'cause contraception's a federal crime.
If we were married, we'd save up a nest egg to cushion us later in life.
If we were married, my earnings would be in your name and I couldn't control my own spending or open a bank account or sign a contract or hire a lawyer because economically speaking I'd die by becoming your wife.
If we were married, if we were married.

You've got to admire the ease with which men can squeeze us into such a rigid role.
You do.
Daughters are taught to aspire to a system expressly designed to keep them under control.

For instance, if we were married and you physically beat me, that wouldn't be illegal to do.
Can you believe it is 1916 and all of these things are still actually true?
I suppose I never stopped to think about how it would be for you.
If we were married, if we were married.
Last Update: June, 10th 2024

Suffs Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Let Mother Vote
  3. Finish the Fight
  4. Find A Way
  5. Wait My Turn
  6. Terrell’s Theme
  7. The March (We Demand Equality)
  8. Great American Bitch
  9. Ladies
  10. A Meeting with President Wilson
  11. Worth It
  12. If We Were Married
  13. The Convention Part 1
  14. This Girl
  15. The Convention Part 2
  16. Alva Belmont
  17. Show Them Who You Are
  18. The Campaign
  19. How Long?
  20. Act II
  21. The Young Are At The Gates
  22. Respectfully Yours, Dudley Malone
  23. Hold It Together
  24. Wait My Turn (reprise)
  25. The Report
  26. Show Them Who You Are (reprise)
  27. Insane
  28. Fire & Tea
  29. Let Mother Vote (reprise)
  30. She and I
  31. Down at the State House
  32. A Letter From Harry’s Mother
  33. I Was Here
  34. If We Were Married (reprise)
  35. August 26th, 1920
  36. Lucy’s Song
  37. Finish the Fight (reprise)
  38. Keep Marching

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