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Lucy’s Song Lyrics > Suffs

Lucy’s Song Lyrics

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Do you remember that rally back in college when we met?
I never told you this 'cause I know you'll be upset,
but it was actually by accident that I was even there.

I happened to be headed to the grocery store across the square
When you made me stop to hold your banner while you yelled at that cop.
Then before I could protest, we were under arrest.
Remember how he only had one pair of cuffs,
so he cuffed us together like I was one of the suffs?
And ever since, I've been here by your side
'cause I just really love being along for the ride.

But I've done my time. I fought my last war.
I'm not marching anymore.
Please don't try to change my mind
'cause I'm sure I'm not marching anymore.

For the last ten years, we've marched and we've thrived.
We've planned and we've screamed. We've starved and survived.
We beat every odd and my God, look at all that we've won.
But I'm tired and sore. I've settled my score. I'm not marching anymore.

Let the next girl have her world changed forever on her way to the store.
I'm not marching anymore.

But I hope you know, even though we haven't, even though you didn't,
Even when you drove me to my wits end, the best thing I've ever been is your friend.
Sorry if you never knew that before. Alice, I'm not marching anymore.

But I'll never be far from you.
You'll find a way, you always do.
Last Update: June, 10th 2024

Suffs Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Let Mother Vote
  3. Finish the Fight
  4. Find A Way
  5. Wait My Turn
  6. Terrell’s Theme
  7. The March (We Demand Equality)
  8. Great American Bitch
  9. Ladies
  10. A Meeting with President Wilson
  11. Worth It
  12. If We Were Married
  13. The Convention Part 1
  14. This Girl
  15. The Convention Part 2
  16. Alva Belmont
  17. Show Them Who You Are
  18. The Campaign
  19. How Long?
  20. Act II
  21. The Young Are At The Gates
  22. Respectfully Yours, Dudley Malone
  23. Hold It Together
  24. Wait My Turn (reprise)
  25. The Report
  26. Show Them Who You Are (reprise)
  27. Insane
  28. Fire & Tea
  29. Let Mother Vote (reprise)
  30. She and I
  31. Down at the State House
  32. A Letter From Harry’s Mother
  33. I Was Here
  34. If We Were Married (reprise)
  35. August 26th, 1920
  36. Lucy’s Song
  37. Finish the Fight (reprise)
  38. Keep Marching

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