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Videos from Water for Elephants

Anywhere/Another Train
The Road Don’t Make You Young
The Lion Has Got No Teeth
I Choose the Ride
Ode to an Elephant
Just Our Luck
I Shouldn't Be Surprised
Silver Stars
The Grand Spec
Funny Angel
Squeaky Wheel
You've Got Nothing, Part 1
You've Got Nothing, Part 2
What Do You Do?
Go Home
I Choose the Ride (Reprise)

Water for Elephants Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Anywhere/Another Train
  3. The Road Don’t Make You Young
  4. Easy
  5. The Lion Has Got No Teeth
  6. I Choose the Ride
  7. Ode to an Elephant
  8. Just Our Luck
  9. I Shouldn't Be Surprised
  10. Silver Stars
  11. The Grand Spec
  12. Act II
  13. Funny Angel
  14. Zostan
  15. Squeaky Wheel
  16. You've Got Nothing, Part 1
  17. You've Got Nothing, Part 2
  18. What Do You Do?
  19. Wild
  20. Go Home
  21. I Choose the Ride (Reprise)

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